Lowering the stakes of publishing

Less perfection, more learning in public


As I've said before, one of my main goals with writing everyday is to get used to publishing this and putting them out into the world.

Thoughts like these have held me back

  • it isn't good enough
  • who will find this useful anyway?
  • what if...

By committing to publish something every day I'm forced to take a different perspective and just get it done. I no longer have infinite time to refine it.

The same applies to projects I build. Yesterday I published a little app I made. And I plan to release the code for it very soon too. Why? Because I'm lowering the bar

  • it can have mistakes and bad practices
  • I don't need to maintain it for the rest of my life
  • it's OK if I look at the code 6 months from now and want to burn it down

I'm trying to learn more in public and share things I create so others can follow along and maybe be inspired to take what I built and learn something or make it better.

It doesn't need to be perfect. Actually, it shouldn't be perfect. Firstly because there is no such thing, and secondly because if it were perfect it probably wouldn't be a good source to learn from. Seeing and making mistakes is a big part of learning.

So here's to making mistakes and sharing them 🙌

See you tomorrow 👋