Translate between real words and a11y abbreviations
2024.08.14 2024.11.03
This is a little project I made to poke fun at abbreviations like "a11y", "i18n", and "l10n".
First off, how do the abbreviations worK:
hello = 3
So hello becomes h3o.
So the concept for this tool is simple: apply this algorithm to any word (or text) you want. Then try to translate it back.
Since there are many different words that translate to the same output, translating it back is bound to fail. This is particularly amusing when you translate an entire text and then try to translate it back. It makes no sense whatsoever!
I made this as a fun way to criticise this type of abbreviations - in particular for words like accessibility, since this makes it so much less accessible.
I had this in mind for a long time now, but never got around to building it, so when I was learning Svelte I decided this was a great candidate for a small project to build with it. I'm really pleased with how it came out!